I Read Good: An IT Management Journal

Welcome to my website, dedicated to providing valuable insights and practical tips for effective IT management (or like whatever I am feeling that day). In today’s fast-paced and rapidly evolving digital landscape, managing IT operations can be a daunting task (no joke it can be extremely stressful if not approached correctly). That’s why I have gathered my experience and expertise on various topics over the years related to IT management on this site.

My site offers a range of articles covering different aspects of IT management, from optimizing workflows and managing work-in-progress to prioritizing safety and trust in IT environments. I understand that IT management can be complex, and my goal is to simplify it by providing actionable insights and practical tips that you can implement in your organization.

Whether you are a seasoned IT professional or just starting in the field, I believe that you will find my articles informative and useful (at least I hope so). I am committed to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in IT management, and I am always looking for new and innovative ways to improve.

Thank you for visiting my site, and I hope that you find the information and resources provided here valuable for your IT management needs.

IT management advise

Articles on IT Management

  • Breaking Through Bottlenecks: Applying the Theory of Constraints to Optimize Information Technology Workflow
    • An article that discusses how the Theory of Constraints (TOC) can be applied to IT workflow to increase efficiency and productivity. The article explores the concept of bottlenecks in IT processes and how identifying and addressing them can lead to significant improvements in workflow. It also covers the steps involved in implementing the TOC approach, such as identifying constraints, exploiting them, and elevating them.
  • Tech with a Conscience: Prioritizing Safety in a Rapidly Advancing Industry
    • An article that highlights the importance of safety in the fast-paced world of information technology. The article focuses on Deming’s 14 rules of safety and explains how organizations can prioritize safety while still meeting the demands of the industry. It emphasizes the need for a proactive approach to safety and outlines strategies for creating a culture of safety within IT teams.
  • From Chaos to Clarity: Taming Your IT Work-In-Process (WIP)
    • An article that explores the challenges of managing IT work-in-process (WIP) and provides strategies for improving IT workflow management. The article discusses how IT work can easily become chaotic and overwhelming, leading to inefficient processes and delays in project delivery. It suggests using visualization tools and lean principles to help prioritize and manage IT work, including creating a Kanban board, establishing work-in-progress limits, and implementing continuous improvement practices. The article emphasizes the importance of empowering teams to take ownership of their work and encouraging a culture of continuous improvement to achieve a more efficient and effective IT workflow.
  • Unlocking Productivity: The Power of Trust in IT Environments
    • An article that discusses the importance of trust in IT environments and how it can lead to increased productivity. The article highlights how trust can be built through effective communication, transparency, and accountability. It also offers tips on how IT managers can foster a supportive work environment that promotes trust, including techniques for open communication and collaboration. The article concludes by emphasizing the crucial role of trust in creating a successful and productive IT team.
  • Rev Up Your IT Operations with the Toyota Andon Cord Model
    • An article that explains how IT teams can benefit from implementing the Andon Cord model used in Toyota’s manufacturing process. Above all the article provides an overview of the Andon Cord model and its benefits, such as improved communication, increased efficiency, and quicker problem resolution. The article also includes practical advice for implementing the Andon Cord model in IT operations, including defining the process, training the team, establishing protocols, and monitoring and adjusting the system. Real-world examples of companies that have successfully implemented the Andon Cord model in their IT operations are also included.
  • Think Different for Safer IT: Unleashing the Power of Sidney Dekker’s Safety Differently Principles
    • An article that provides a comprehensive guide to the principles of Safety Differently by Sidney Dekker and their application in the IT industry. It covers the background, key principles, benefits, challenges, and limitations of Safety Differently, emphasizing the importance of learning, collaboration, and adaptability in promoting a proactive and innovative approach to safety. By embracing Safety Differently, organizations can improve safety performance, enhance employee engagement, promote innovation and creativity, and make more informed and effective decisions, positioning themselves for success in a rapidly changing and complex digital landscape.
  • Mastering IT Management Conflict Resolution with the Evaporating Cloud Diagram: A Step-by-Step Guide
    • The article explores the use of the Evaporating Cloud diagram in resolving conflicts in IT management. The Evaporating Cloud diagram is a powerful tool that helps identify the underlying assumptions driving a conflict and breaking them down, enabling IT managers to uncover potential solutions that satisfy the needs of all parties involved. The article provides step-by-step instructions on how to create the diagram, tips for identifying and breaking down assumptions, common pitfalls to avoid, and best practices for facilitating discussions using the diagram. The article also presents examples of how the Evaporating Cloud can be adapted to different types of conflicts in IT management and the advantages of using the tool. Overall, the article highlights the Evaporating Cloud diagram as a valuable tool for IT managers to facilitate effective conflict resolution and promote a collaborative and productive work environment.
  • The Top 10 IT Management Mistakes You Need to Avoid
    • An article that highlights common mistakes made in IT management and provides tips on how to avoid them. The article identifies ten mistakes, including failing to establish clear goals and priorities, poor communication with team members, not embracing a safety culture, failing to manage resources effectively, ignoring employee engagement, neglecting to develop talent, failing to measure performance, overlooking cybersecurity risks, not adapting to change, and lacking a continuous improvement mindset. The article explains each mistake in detail and provides practical advice and solutions to help IT managers avoid them. The article also includes related articles and books that readers can reference for additional information on IT management.
  • The New Battlefield: Why Cybersecurity is Essential in Modern IT Management
    • In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is an essential component of modern IT management. Cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated, and the consequences of a cyberattack can be devastating. IT managers play a critical role in ensuring that their organizations are protected from cyber threats by implementing best practices, staying up-to-date on emerging trends, and developing strategies to attract and retain cybersecurity talent. The future of cybersecurity in IT management will be shaped by trends such as artificial intelligence, IoT, cloud security, cybersecurity regulations, and the talent shortage. By prioritizing cybersecurity and working collaboratively, organizations can protect themselves and thrive in the digital age.
  • Breaking Free: Skipping Traditional Change Management for CI/CD
    • This article explores the shift from traditional change management to Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) in IT operations. It emphasizes the benefits of adopting CI/CD directly, such as increased speed, efficiency, and collaboration. The article outlines the transition process, including assessing readiness, setting goals, and building the right team. It also discusses common challenges and provides strategies for success.

Recommended Reading

  • The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford – Amazon Link
  • Toyota Kata by Mike Rother – Amazon Link
  • Radical Candor by Kim Scott – Amazon Link
  • The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt – Amazon Link
  • The Field Guide to Understanding ‘Human Error’ by Sidney Dekker – Amazon Link
  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni – Amazon Link